The Weekender Module

Weekender Module (Original Design)

The Weekender is our second smallest module with a footprint of 6.65m x 7.5m.  It includes a mezzanine level which can be used for extra storage.

Area (approx.):
Ground Floor    50m2
Mezzanine       24m2
Total                74m2

Multiple modules can be joined to make one house or bridged with decks/walkways.

Customisation Options:

  • Size can be increased or decreased
  • Roof pitch can be varied
  • A range of exterior colour options is available
  • Bespoke kitchen and bathroom
  • With or without decks
  • Self build for maximum savings

Click the forward/backward arrows below to scroll through some pictures of Weekender modules.  See also our Building Ideas page for more ideas, including examples of how multiple modules can be combined together to create a larger home.